The Long Dark Wiki

Survival Knife is a Tools item in The Long Dark.


A rare variant of the Hunting Knife that is only acquired when trading with the Trader, the Survival Knife boasts impressive stats for its rarity. Its edge is serrated, allowing it to do more damage in a Struggle while also allowing it to perform Carcass Harvesting faster than a normal knife. The tradeoff is that it is a little bit heavier than a normal Hunting Knife, but an added bonus of this knife is its increased durability, making it a must have for long term survival games.

Knives have number of uses: harvesting gut, hide and meat from animal carcasses, as well as Cloth and Tinder Plugs. It may also serve as a makeshift Can Opener to avoid spillage, or to break through iced-over fishing holes for Ice Fishing, and as a self-defense weapon during wolf attacks.

It is possible for the Trader to offer multiple Survival Knives as trades.

Differences from the Hunting Knife

The Survival Knife is by far the best Knife in the game, but the Cougar Claw Knife still bests it in some categories.


Harvesting the knife gives 1 Scrap Metal after 45 minutes.


The knife can be repaired using a Whetstone and the Sharpening skill, restoring 3% condition to the tool and using 5% condition on the Whetstone. The Milling Machine in Bleak Inlet or Blackrock may repair a non-ruined knife to 100% condition for one Scrap Metal, during an active Aurora.

Update history

* UPDATE 2 December 2024 (Update):
  • Added to game.