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The Long Dark Wiki

Idle Camp is one of the two major human settlements in the Zone of Contamination.


2 lodging barracks hold numerous Beds, Lockers, and bathrooms containing Toilets. Rare, region exclusive clothing such as a Hardhat, Miner's Jacket, Miner's Pants, and Chemical Boots have a chance to spawn in the 3 buildings and the nearby Train Shuttle near the road.

The mess hall building contains a mess hall with several wooden tables and a kitchen containing several Fridges, Freezers, a Vegetable Drawer, and an invaluable Stove. The ponds around the nearby buildings have Cat Tails that can be harvested.

2 Trucks can be found outside and slept in, which can be useful if the player has Cabin Fever after spending many hours exploring the mines.

Multiple Poisoned Wolves often patrol the field across the train tracks from the camp, and can wander into the Camp if the player is spotted.
