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DLC-Exclusive content.
This content requires the Tales from the Far Territory addon to be installed before it can be seen or used in regular gameplay.
Glimmer Fog Icon
A mysterious phenomenon first encountered in the Far Territory, Glimmer Fog charges the air and ground with electrostatic energy, animating some electronics in entirely unpredictable ways.

- Official description from the Tales From the Far Territory Website Page


Glimmer Fog is a unique variant of heavy fog within Regions of the Far Territory of Great Bear Island: Forsaken Airfield, Zone of Contamination and Sundered Pass.

Like Heavy Fog, Glimmer Fog reduces visibility (preventing Surveying and use of the Magnifying Lens) but also risks Insomnia when the survivor is above-ground, and similar to Auroras: temporarily powers electronics (e.g. Handheld Shortwave Radio, Flashlight, vehicle headlights). Glimmer Fog causes snow and ice to crackle and discharge electricity constantly, while patches of fog flash with misty spectral colored lights.

Insomnia Risk may be avoided by traveling underground or traveling to Transfer Pass.

The nighttime equivalent to Glimmer Fog is the Aurora.


Glimmer Fog shares similarities to Auroras, but both weather types are distinct.

Aurora and Glimmer Fog Properties
Aurora Glimmer Fog
Occurs Night Day
Powers Electronics Yes Yes
Aurora Predators Yes No
Electrocution Hazard Yes No
Insomnia Risk No Yes
Occurs In Any Region Far Territory

Note: Flashlights "high beam" mode are effective deterrents against aurora predators (during an Aurora), and while they will be powered during Glimmer Fog, flashlights will be ineffective at deterring non-aurora predators.



  • A written note in Forsaken Airfield where the author details suffering from insomnia following glimmer fog, and their desire to evacuate the region.
  • Glimmer Fog was introduced in the Part 1 Tales From The Far Territory DLC update.