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The Long Dark Wiki
Cat Tail plant

Cat Tail is a type of harvestable wetland plant.


Cat tails are harvestable plants found in the world of The Long Dark near sources of fresh water, such as frozen ponds, marshes, creeks, and rivers. Like other plants, they do not grow back once harvested. After harvesting, they leave no trace behind, unlike Rose Hips and saplings, which leave behind an empty bush, and a stump respectively.

They are one of the most plentiful sources of Forage in the game. There are over 1000 individuals Cat Tail plants found through the game world, making it one of the most common types of plants that can be foraged (even more with Tales from the Far Territory installed, upping that number to over 2000).


Cat tails can be harvested without a tool. Upon harvesting, they provide both a single Cat Tail Head, and a single Cat Tail Stalk.

The Cat Tail Head acts as a form of Tinder, and can be used as such, providing a +0% chance to starting a fire (like all other tinder). The Cat Tail Head cannot be added to an active Fire as fuel.

The Cat Tail Stalk is a Food item that can be consumed for 150 calories. Doing so does not drain your Thirst, unlike most other foods. Cat Tail Stalks are a staple food source that all survivors should carry. It is especially helpful in the early game when food is scarce, or on harder difficulties like Interloper.


Cat Tails can be found in every Region, and are always located near freshwater lakes, streams and rivers. Cat tails can be alone, or near loose groups of others. They cannot be found near saltwater. (However freshwater rivers flowing into the ocean can have cat tails). They are especially prominent in the Forlorn Muskeg region.

Some other locations you can find them in each region include:

The Far Territory[]
